Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Saturday, February 18, 2006
child's pose
I'm pretty proud to say that I've been hitting the gym 3 days a week for the last 3 weeks. Add in the belly dancing on Saturdays and that's not too bad, especially because I'm totally enjoying myself. Anyway, I'd been thinking all week long that I'd like to try sweating out my cold in the sauna, but I didn't know where it was, if it was co-ed, and what one should wear while in there. Finally I found out that it's connected to the shower room and on Thursday, I made my way in there hoping that a towel fastened securely around me would pass for acceptable because I forgot my swimming suit. (whew, take a breath, that was one long sentence) When I got in there, there were three very naked women all doing the above pose, with their bums facing me. Yeah, hello, my towel was totally fine. Their stretches made just enough room for me to squeeze in and sweat in my own little corner. I loved the sauna and I loved that these women felt comfortable enough with themselves that they could just be, butt up, in front of other women, without even sucking in their stomachs or worrying about whether or not they'd shaved. I could use a little of that. I don't worry about how Zander sees me, but I do stress out sometimes when I see another woman give the "once over" judgment day glance. Wouldn't the world be a better place if that was just gone? These sweaty women weren't thin, made-up, sweet young thangs, but how accepting they were of themselves was pretty hot. That all being said, I'm working on it, but it'll definitely be a while before I'm all naked and in the child's pose sweating for the ladies.
Well, I'm happy to say that I'm finally getting over my cold. Yeah (for yeah)! I've got some minor sniffles, but the green slime is happily replaced with a constant, yet clear, running nose.
Today was totally fun. It started with belly dancing at the Cassandra school. I love that class. I'm even thinking of moving my way slightly forward from the back row. I'm certainly not ready for the front row yet, although, neither are most of the women that are there now. Snark-snark. Today part of the class focused on the difference between looking like a stripper and actually belly dancing. Very useful. After the dance, I headed way the heck out to White Bear Lake to see my girl Melissa. I know her because she cuts my hair, but really, the chica is fantastic for far more reasons than that. Today she set me out into the world with a partial beehive.

It's fallen a bit in this picture, but by the time I took a picture, I'd been out in the wind AND pulled a coupla sweaters over my head. Not too shabby. I'm not sure I could duplicate it myself, but I'll certainly be giving it a try.

I happened to stop at Kohl's this afternoon and, oh boy, look what I found. I know that these are not very practical due to the height of the heel, nor do they match everything in my wardrobe. However, they were on the $5 rack and I LOVE them.
Today was totally fun. It started with belly dancing at the Cassandra school. I love that class. I'm even thinking of moving my way slightly forward from the back row. I'm certainly not ready for the front row yet, although, neither are most of the women that are there now. Snark-snark. Today part of the class focused on the difference between looking like a stripper and actually belly dancing. Very useful. After the dance, I headed way the heck out to White Bear Lake to see my girl Melissa. I know her because she cuts my hair, but really, the chica is fantastic for far more reasons than that. Today she set me out into the world with a partial beehive.
It's fallen a bit in this picture, but by the time I took a picture, I'd been out in the wind AND pulled a coupla sweaters over my head. Not too shabby. I'm not sure I could duplicate it myself, but I'll certainly be giving it a try.
I happened to stop at Kohl's this afternoon and, oh boy, look what I found. I know that these are not very practical due to the height of the heel, nor do they match everything in my wardrobe. However, they were on the $5 rack and I LOVE them.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Man, this little cold has officially got me down. My face hurts, my voice hurts, and I'm taking the day off tomorrow. I should have done it today, but well, it's usually more difficult to miss work than it is to just buck up. Speaking of bucking up... The painting class that Zander and I are taking together totally bites. I'm skipping tonight because I honestly believe that I would kill our instructor if I went. Last time I asked her if she had any rags for us to use and she proceeded to tell me that for the first couple weeks of class she's happy to be my mother, but that time has come to an end. If I want someone to mother me, I should bring my own. I bit my tongue on that bitchy comment, but believe me, I can't wait until she passes out a class evaluation. Oh, did I mention that she rips apart almost everyone's paintings? Pardon me for not being Degas, bitchy-pants. However, despite my grumblings, I am enjoying learning how to oil paint. It feels like REAL painting, I think maybe because it's stinky.
Last night Zander and I tried out El Meson. Sangria = delicious and Payella = really delicious. It was a fun, romantic night out with my sweetie.
Maybe I'll update more tomorrow when I'm home watching Ellen and being less of a grouch.
Last night Zander and I tried out El Meson. Sangria = delicious and Payella = really delicious. It was a fun, romantic night out with my sweetie.
Maybe I'll update more tomorrow when I'm home watching Ellen and being less of a grouch.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Cute Alert!
Here he is! Just about a 1/2 hour after he was born.
Here's one more... I think this was his first yawn ever.
Well folks, it's Friday and I'm sooo ready for the weekend. Last night at Kardio kick I totally hurt my leg because I was tired and being sloppy AND I also have a sore throat. I feel like I'm falling apart! I left the weekend pretty open so I could go see little Joey, but I don't want to get him sick. So now I've got a pretty wide open weekend, which hasn't happened in a long while. I'm kind of looking forward to drinking some coffee, doing some cooking at home and maybe breaking into my crafty room.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Joseph Donald (Joey, Joe, or JD) Bastian was born last night right around 10:30. He's a little over 7 lbs and he's about 20 inches long. Oh, and he's adorable. I'll post his picture when I get home. He loves me already, and I think he's pretty cool, too. You know, being that I just want to eat him up and all. My sister is doing great, and she'd be mad if I'd release any of the really up close and personal details anyway. Especially on the World Wide Web.
Tonight I'm going to core and cardio BOSU ball at the Y. THEN, I'm meeting the Lovely-Miss-Thang-Kari for coffee and cheap shoes at the Nordstrom Rack sale. I'm on the hunt for tough, yet glittery athletic looking shoes. Not the kind you really do anything athletic in, puhleez.
My friend Jeanee has pointed me here. Apparently it's the most stripped down little shop ever, but wonderful. The sale ends on Thursday and we're making the trek. Anyone have a little shopping list for me? For a small price, (or a small glass to sample) I might even deliver.
Anyone have some fun valentine plans coming up?
Tonight I'm going to core and cardio BOSU ball at the Y. THEN, I'm meeting the Lovely-Miss-Thang-Kari for coffee and cheap shoes at the Nordstrom Rack sale. I'm on the hunt for tough, yet glittery athletic looking shoes. Not the kind you really do anything athletic in, puhleez.
My friend Jeanee has pointed me here. Apparently it's the most stripped down little shop ever, but wonderful. The sale ends on Thursday and we're making the trek. Anyone have a little shopping list for me? For a small price, (or a small glass to sample) I might even deliver.
Anyone have some fun valentine plans coming up?
Monday, February 06, 2006
Sunday, February 05, 2006
This morning we met some friends for the most delicious homemade Indian brunch. We started with mango smoothies and then had potatoes inside something that reminded me of a crepe, to be dipped in a coconut sauce or a peanut and lentil sauce that were both a little like hummus, but even more wonderful. Thanks to Archana for all your slaving over the kitchen stove! Next we headed out to IKEA to get a butcher block for the top of our lovely new dishwasher. I know that it's mundane to talk about it again, but we used it for the first time last night and it was fabulouso. (Oh, and by the way, convenience won out, and Best Buy in Burnsville had it in stock AND matched Walmart's price)
My sister Sara is due to have her baby today. I've been thinking about her like crazy all week long. A few minutes ago she told me that she thinks it's going to happen tonight. I really just HOPE HOPE HOPE so. While we're so ready to have our own stinking baby, I'm also really ready to be an Auntie. Auntie Julie has a nice ring.
In other news, this week is going to be a bit more chill than last. Yeah, I'm thanking my lucky stars, am I. (Insert Yoda voice) I love being busy and I love seeing friends and being social and living an interesting life, but I totally recharge at home, and my batteries are running low. I hope it's not the grunge that everyone else has, trying to get me too! However, other than an outrageous salary and summers off, being a teacher in the public school system has given me a bionic immune system.
My sister Sara is due to have her baby today. I've been thinking about her like crazy all week long. A few minutes ago she told me that she thinks it's going to happen tonight. I really just HOPE HOPE HOPE so. While we're so ready to have our own stinking baby, I'm also really ready to be an Auntie. Auntie Julie has a nice ring.
In other news, this week is going to be a bit more chill than last. Yeah, I'm thanking my lucky stars, am I. (Insert Yoda voice) I love being busy and I love seeing friends and being social and living an interesting life, but I totally recharge at home, and my batteries are running low. I hope it's not the grunge that everyone else has, trying to get me too! However, other than an outrageous salary and summers off, being a teacher in the public school system has given me a bionic immune system.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Well, I just got home from belly dance class, the gas station and a quick thrift store haunt. Today at class we were learning how to move and use the finger cymbols. Presently, I can do one or the other quite well, but both at the same time are proving to be a challenge. Now we're making a grocery list for the week and debating about whether or not we should break down and go to Walmart for the dishwasher that we're now dead-set on getting. Zander's side: Walmart is EVIL. My side: I think maybe Best Buy is evil too, and Walmart's price is already lower without having to get someone to price match. Also I think it might be more likely to be in stock at Walmart and we could get a few of our other errands done while we're there. Notice how I've got to share every last reason because I feel guilty and ashamed and I know that Michael Moore won't be friends with me now, so I've just got to JUSTIFY.
Isn't the sun lovely today?
Isn't the sun lovely today?
Friday, February 03, 2006
Crafting last night was absolutely lovely. I'm afraid that I was very, shall we say, special needs, in the whole knitting department. However, after about 25 attempts, I'm now able to cast on and do the knit stitch. Lots of the women went on to master the pearl, but in this case, I'm comfortable within my limitations. Knit only, for now and big yarn+big needles=pretty easy and quick=feel good about yourself, you just learned something new. Sarah was a really gracious and patient teacher, and that's not even mentioning all the great food she put in front of us. I came straight from kick boxing and was absolutely famished. I hope I didn't embarass myself with all of the dip I ate! It was so strange and yet so freaking good... Cream cheese, fresh basil, dried cranberries, roasted garlic and maybe walnuts or something. DEElish.
Tonight we're chilling out at home and I need it in a big way. I'm pooped. Anyone wear a size 41 in Danskos? They're 90% off at Bibelot right now. I stopped in there this morning because I had a doctor appointment, and I always need a little eye candy after being poked at. I think it's pretty cool that my blood pressure was 94/68
Tonight we're chilling out at home and I need it in a big way. I'm pooped. Anyone wear a size 41 in Danskos? They're 90% off at Bibelot right now. I stopped in there this morning because I had a doctor appointment, and I always need a little eye candy after being poked at. I think it's pretty cool that my blood pressure was 94/68
Thursday, February 02, 2006
ALERT: Whine fest. I'm feeling more-than-slightly bitchy today. Our house is a wreck and we've got something going on every night! I know that seems like no big deal, but I'm not getting enough sleep either. Fortunately for me, the stuff that's going on is all pretty fun stuff. Last night was an oil painting class, which would be slightly more fun if the teacher didn't think of Zander as a god and me as a strumpet. And just because she does think that, she doesn't need to make it so flipping obvious. "Oh beautiful work Zander, and you, little what's-her-name, could you look get it into your thick scull that I don't really like you???" Tonight I'm going to learn how to knit for the crafter's conspiracy meeting. (HOPEFULLY the teacher will be a little nicer) I'm bringing pretty green yarn, but I forgot my needles at home. I'm hoping she has an extra pair. Oh, and before the CC meeting, there's Kardio Kick class at the Y, which I'm so excited to try it out! I wonder if the instructors snicker about us after class?
Has anyone tried El Meson? Is it wonderful? It looks adorable from the outside.
Has anyone tried El Meson? Is it wonderful? It looks adorable from the outside.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
I had a Barnes and Noble gift card burning a serious hole in my pocket. That is, until last night when I picked up the new ReadyMade book that I've been drooling over. The design is of course good,the projects are interesting even if I'm not interested in replicating all of them, and the book doesn't take itself too seriously. There's an awesome garden fountain basically made from a hubcap and a heating duct. I love outdoor stuff that's not cute. Come summer, I'm making it.
You might have already seen the article in yesterday's Star Trib about don't miss 'em sales, month-by-month. The highlights: Bargain Seeker (Cherokee Center in Brooklyn Park) sells Target returns. All men's, women's and kids' summer stuff is $2 until
February 14th. Nordstrom Rack shoe sale on February 7th. Unique Thrift and ARC have their holiday sales on February 20th. March 9-12 Half-Price books offers an additional 20% off. In the end of March, Habitat for Humanity has it's warehouse sale in Northeast, and used households will be 1/2 off.
Had a lovely dinner last night with some girlfriends at ThanhDo in St. Louis Park. Jewel brought the absolutely ADORABLE little Ruby, and the food was GREAT. It's always refreshing to be with the girls.
The Y-Dub was all about the Bosu ball (half of a ball that you balance on) last night. First was cardio bosu, and then strength training bosu. Oh my word. My breast muscles (they are not pecs yet) are writhing in pain today.
You might have already seen the article in yesterday's Star Trib about don't miss 'em sales, month-by-month. The highlights: Bargain Seeker (Cherokee Center in Brooklyn Park) sells Target returns. All men's, women's and kids' summer stuff is $2 until
February 14th. Nordstrom Rack shoe sale on February 7th. Unique Thrift and ARC have their holiday sales on February 20th. March 9-12 Half-Price books offers an additional 20% off. In the end of March, Habitat for Humanity has it's warehouse sale in Northeast, and used households will be 1/2 off.
Had a lovely dinner last night with some girlfriends at ThanhDo in St. Louis Park. Jewel brought the absolutely ADORABLE little Ruby, and the food was GREAT. It's always refreshing to be with the girls.
The Y-Dub was all about the Bosu ball (half of a ball that you balance on) last night. First was cardio bosu, and then strength training bosu. Oh my word. My breast muscles (they are not pecs yet) are writhing in pain today.
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