Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It's only 10:30 and it feels SO late. Today was tough. Jin's teeth are coming in and making him SOOO miserable. I even took him to the doctor today, and the doc thinks that his teething and sinus gunk are related at this point. I think being outside is a good distraction, so we went to the zoo with my sister Sara and our nephew Joey. It was fun, but the Como zoo makes me a little sad for the animals. The giraffes had nothing except a metal pole to look at, and they were standing on dirty, wet carpet. They had to be depressed. This is the first decent picture we have of the two cousins, and it is not from a lack of trying. We have a whole set of pictures that I'll one day reveal where I had to hold Jin for the picture and I didn't want to be in it, so I put a blanket over my head. Since I'm tired, those pictures seem hilarious right now.

Doesn't it feel nice to be outside??? Jin loves to walk around and explore our yard. He likes to push sticks into the mud and he loves splashing in the puddles. He also enjoys pointing at everyone that passes us. I'll wait until he's done teething before I tell him how rude that is.

My youngest sister just turned 24. She gets wiser and wiser, and she's got one of the softest hearts you'll ever meet. She's got a thing for skulls so I made her a cake. It's a red velvet cake with butter cream frosting. I'm going to be a little vuage about this so I don't get anyone in trouble, but I got the "recipe" for the cake from a very big restaurant company here in Minneapolis. They sell ginormous slices of this lovely cake for a good chunk of change, which I'd always thought to be fair because it tastes so freaking good. This secret recipe should have been kept secret because it's SO LAME... Ok folks, just mix up 6 boxes of yellow cake mix with 1 box of devils food cake mix and add tons of red food coloring. I hate to be a snob, I'm not a foodie, but how disappointing. I was all for an elaborate process where I'd do something like chill the batter for 48 hours before baking, or use cream of tartar, or something... Oh well, it was easy to do and I love'd doing the decorating.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Jin's Jokes

Jin's jokes are happening more and more often now, and my favorite part of his routine is how he just cracks himself up. Today he a found a spoon on the floor and I told him to give his baby some "bites". At first he aimed the spoon right for the baby's mouth, but then he put the spoon in the baby's eye, looked at me and then cracked up. Morbid, huh? This was all repeated with his tigers, his bunnies, Domokun, and Grover.

Oh yeah, he also loves to find his belly button.

***Also, someone from Korea checks this journal almost everyday. I believe and hope it might be Jin's foster parents. It would make me so happy to know who it is that's checking. If you are in Korea, and read this journal, I would be so grateful if you could send me a message.***

Monday, March 02, 2009


Jin is exceptional at licking the batter.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Sock Arms

On Sundays Zander takes care of Jin while I go to yoga in the morning, and then do something fun in the afternoon. Today I went to Saver's and entertained myself for quite some time. I even found Jin 2 new pairs of overalls, which is good because they look so cute on him and if he is wearing overalls, I'm less likely to wear them myself--and I always get strange looks when I wear them. When I come home, I feel refreshed and ready for a week filled with full-time fun with Jin. It's wonderful. Zander and Jin have so much fun together, and I'm always impressed with their games. This game was called sock arms.