Wednesday, January 19, 2011


For my birthday Zander gave me a cooking class at the Wedge. The instructor didn't have enough students to run it as a cooking class, so as a nutritional consultant, he's offering us small group nutritional counseling instead. Last night was the first class and it was FANTASTIC. Based on some of my medical history and goal setting, he has assigned me the week long goal of no sugar, no wheat, no dairy, NO ALCOHOL(?!?), more snacks and journaling everything I eat and when. This is no small feat for this alcohol-guzzling-cheese-eater. Maybe as a result I'll feel miserable next week and he'll prescribe me a new week's goal of chocolate and skinny girl magharitas.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

40 before 40

In no particular order

floss everyday
yoga myself more than once a week
be off of anti-anxiety meds and manage anxiety in a different way
focus on friends and family
see some live music
create and follow a budget
go camping
make more surf less
sell stuff online
learn FLASH
focus on gratitude
run a 10K
jump 4 x per month
teach Jin sun salutation
take a screenprinting workshop
get rid of stuff that I don't need or love
organize a kids book club
take time to reflect on self, home, work, etc.
slide down a huge and scary water slide
write notes

Here's half... second half on the way!