On Saturday afternoon Zander totally indulged me and agreed to stop at just one more estate sale. He got got a cheap computer monitor out of the deal, but I just found so much cool junk. For example, a broken ceramic horse's head that fits so perfectly on our fence post. We also scored a coupla big Tonka trucks that I'm going to fill with geraniums.
However, none of it tops this monster piece of drift wood that they gave us for free. All we had to do it haul it away. No small feat. We did have a few pieces of twine to tie it up, but we also had to use left-over macrome from the sale. We went about 5mph all the way home with the hazards on, got a LOT of attention... "what the hell is that for???" I think we're going to "plant" it in our backyard.
How did we ever get so lucky to have you for a daughter-in-law? You crack me up.
I can't wait to see the horse's head! Now if you guys would just run that pirate flag up your flagpole, you'll be set.
I love that driftwood piece! What a score delux. Are you going to keep the red caution flag on it?
The caution flag is coming down, but all of the chandalier gems that are glued on are staying. This pirate flag idea is growing on me. I wonder where to find water-proof-ish fabric? I doubt JoAnne's will have it, AxMan?
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