Tonight was my first night going to the Mosaic Guild meeting. It was at Judy Sell's house out in Stillwater. I'm really drawn to the fact that she collects junk and just glues it right in.
Here's a detail of her fountain. She told us that the hose is there because she just was so done with the project and needed a way to finish it off before her daughter came home from camp. I too share that same type of impatience!
Zander is officially in San Diego. Check out the story of getting to the airport here.
Julie, those mosaics are adorable. I love the hose.
Ugh, getting to the airport was such a debaucle. We got started late, took two wrong turns, got the speeding ticket at the Lindbergh terminal while figuring out that we were actually supposed to be at the Humphrey terminal. Gross.
i LOVE the junk. i truly feel like i have been collecting things for mosaics all of my life. i have this plastic bin in my basement that is just full of doo dads that i saved in case one day i decided to scrap book. i tried scrapbooking and it doesn't compare to mosaic-ing. my new quest is to find some ceramic squirrels like she had in the birdbath.
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