Here's what I found under the pergo floor last week. I think it's probably from the 70's, and gosh darn it, I kind of like it. ANYTHING is better than that fake crapola that they threw in here to sell us the place. There is hard wood flooring underneath this lino, but right now I'm just not up to tearing out the lino and the subfloor, and then throwing some money at someone to refinish everything. Instead, I'm into throwing money at a plumber that had to come and save us from an exploding toilet problem. Boo "accidentally" smacked some dental floss into the toilet and I, not predicting floss in the toilet, flushed and no amount of plunging was going to fix that situation. I even had a pregnant lady at my house and had to forbid her access to our disgusting situation. No problem though, I signed up for Angie's List, and I've got the recommendations of people throughout the cities. If you need me to look something up for ya, just let me know.
Here's the pride and joy of my thrifting last weekend. $1.50 bought me this cutey little summer quilt. Someone spent a lot of time putting this together. Thankfully it wasn't me because I have absolutely zero patience for putting together little triangles--so their corners fit together just so. Blech. Anyway, our regular comforter is thick and warm and perfect for being thrifty on the winter heating bill, and not so great for sleeping with the window open during the summer months.
This Saturday night at Mosaic on a Stick there's a gallery show called Emotions, happening at 7PM. I did this piece called Preconception. It's all about trying to get pregnant and really, it's my own little shrine. The little baby on the front was a gift from Lori. She kept it in her pocket when she was trying to get pregnant and so she gave it to me. (This woman is just the sweetest) Well, I know that things in my pockets usually disappear for good, so I decided to glue it onto something instead. I had so much fun with this project.
The numbers on the front are a reference to this song.
aha! I TOLD you it was Schoolhouse Rock.
Viva la Bob Dorough!
Somehow I am thinking that story about Boo knocking the floss in the can is a ruse and really you guys have, like, the best crapper in the land and you guys just want to keep it to myself.
I hope that the "Three" song is the De La Soul version. That song is really just the happiest ever!
I kept wondering when you were going to show at PS this afternoon. Bummer dude!
and I love your mosaic creation!!
Me love nipple pot.
Has Shad gotten addicted to some strange drugs since I've been gone?
You ripping up the pergo had inspired me to rip off the faux brick in my kitchen. What a mess. Now what am I going to do. I hadn't thought about that. Hmmm
you both have inspired me to rip off the front of the fridge and have some of that pepperoni in there.
Seriously, that is the same linoleum I have in my kitchen and I LOVE it.
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