Z and I went to the May Day parade over in Powderhorn a couple weeks ago. I love these little pod people.
I'm also loving anything with skulls these days.
Frida was at the parade too. As many of you know, she is MY homegirl and of course I thoroughly endorse her having a slice of the parade all to herself. However, don't you think this woman is a total Frida wanna-be-poser? I'm thinking about dressing up like the REAL Frida next year and hopefully finding this woman and chopping her stupid oversized watermelon in half.
Another thing I love about spring this year, is getting to babysit little Joey. I love it when he talks to me and I even love it when he's crabby. It just makes me laugh. We watched him all day on Saturday, and sheesh it was hard work. I didn't get one damn thing done except feeding him, burping him, changing him, tickling him, and trying to make him take a nap. Oh, and taking lots of cute pictures.
i know, babysitting is so much work. but i love it!!!!
joey is a cutie :)
Yes, rhubarb leaves are pretty toxic as are lilly of the valley. I hope your lilly of the valley keeps going and you end up with a ton of it by next spring. They smell SO good.
apparently you have to eat a bunch of leaves before anything happens, as seen here:
i guess people ate them during WW1 when there was a lack of other veggies and they had some problems.
i thought of you when i saw the frida at the parade!! but i agree, she was a total poseur!!
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