So, you're wondering what I'm doing with my glamorous summer vacation? Wondering why my roots are Behr Honeydew instead of grayish-brown? That's what happens when you're painting the bathroom on the hottest day of the year and you're sweating so much your hands are slippery and you drop your diet coke into the full paint tray. Then, you've got to fish it out of there because it's leaking and you bang your head on the wall you just painted.
The shower curtains are two sheer pieces of fabric I picked up at Savers for $1.99, finished the edges, and added grommets to. It was an easy project except that I have an extremely difficult time accurately measuring and squaring large pieces of fabric. Anyone have a trick for it?
Many of you've seen this one already, but I'm still not finished, and I think working on it a little bit tonight might help my bathroom-painting-inspired-bitchiness.
Painting totally sucks.. or I just suck at it, but let me tell you I LOVE that painting you are doing.. I love love love your art! I want that in my house, but that's probably not going to happen,huh? Maybe you can do one of me? I really do like it Julie. Your talent amazes me, as it has since I met you 12 years ago.
Golldang that color in your bath rocks. Congrats on not going totally whackadoodle while getting the job done.
That art piece you are working on is fab. Love it!!!
So...painting is pretty much my idea of hell on Earth. I hate it so much. I love it when it's done but usually want to stab myself in the eye with a ballpoint pen when I'm doing it. Looks very lovely, though, Miss Julie. It's hard to pull of the perfect green, I think, but you seem to have done it.
*pull OFF the perfect green, I mean.
my trick for measuring and squaring large fabirc pieces is that i have freakishly long arms.
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