When the time changed this fall, and everything got so dark so fast, the only thing I've wanted to do is curl up on the couch and watch a movie with my sweetie pie. I'll watch anything, even if it's not that interesting... Which has been making me feel very not-that-interesting. So, we're turning it off throughout the week for a month, and maybe catching up on a Netflix on the weekends. Who knows if this will extend past this month, but I think it'll be interesting to see how we fill up our time. Today was day 1 of the experiment and I made 2 draft snakes for the kitchen and a gnome hat. I also have surfed the web, talked with my hubbie, made a real dinner, done some reading, and now I'm off to take a bath. It feels like the weekend when I have time for all the stuff I love to do AND it's only a Monday.
PS: I love Jan Von Holleben's photos.
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