In addition to having such a great time with everyone at the cottage in Wisconsin, we were lucky enough to have a real-life-professional-photographer in our midst. There are so many good pictures of the weekend. Thanks Ben!
This picture reminds me that life has been stressing me out lately and how good it feels to get out with good friends and laugh. Lots and lots.
I really like this shot because I think it brings out the natural athlete in me. And it is flattering besides.
Look how tough Z looks.
And here's Zander's BFF. His wife is a bit camera shy, but you can find pictures on her blog.
Man, those are AMAZING photos. OMG.
It was real fun getting to know you and Zander better. Art (and Lew) had so much fun with you guys. When we got home he immediately opened the door and said, "Where's Julie."
I think you guys will be extraordinary parents, btw.
LOVE the first picture to pieces. So beautiful!
What awesome pictures- I especially like the one of you looking out the window!
Hey! I am so behind in blog reading and posting because of our travels. I love the picture of you guys on the porch. The fuzzy stuff stuck to the screens looks all romantic. It reminds me of the first time Mike and I went to the cottage and my aunt gave me a list of cottage chores. One of them was to wash the screens on the porch. She said to hose them off, so I did but FROM THE OUTSIDE. Mike was walking up from the beach and he just sighed, and said, Oh Em. I think he said that's when he realized he loved me too.... j/k. All the furniture on the porch was wet so we couldn't sit out there all weekend. In retrospect it seemed pretty obvious that my aunt meant to hose them off from the inside. Ooops. And I spent a long time trying to figure out how I would do it too.
Anyway, fun times! Can't wait to do it again!!
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