Thursday, March 03, 2005

drawers... garbage or treasure???

I had a great time out with Rebecca tonight. We finally made it to Psycho Suzi's. The bloody marys are awesome! Six huge olives, a pickle and a coupla limes. Delish. The cheese curds on the other hand reminded me of cheese Twinkies. Disgustingly gross.
On my way home, I took the long windy way that goes through all the allies. Tomorrow is trash day you know, and there could be some really good stuff out there. Well, I picked up some really nice solid wooden drawers. About six of them. I'm wondering if I should just throw them out with our trash next week, or if anyone has some brilliant ideas for them? They're more deep than wide. Ideas?


Ugly Juice said...

Put rollers on the bottoms (cheap at any hardware store), and use them for under-the-bed storage?Plus you could line the insides with satin (i.e. take cardboard cut to the size of the sides, top w/some quilt batting and cover with satin, then sew 'em together like a liner and stick it inside so the insides are padded and satin-y? Does that make sense?)

Dr Em said...

i LOVE the cheese curds at psycho suzies! they are beer battered! what could be better?

Anonymous said...

you could make window boxes out of them, or planters for your patio. You should drill holes in the bottom first, and maybe put plastic liners in, but not necessary.

Anonymous said...

ooo I love all the good ideas.. was going to suggest planters, myself...but the under the bed storage idea is awesome! I need to look for some old drawers..hehe! You could even find some cute old handles for moving them around!

Another idea would be to make hanging shelves for a wall... kinda like shadow boxes. Or.. you could use them for storage on a shelf in your craft room, for all those fun plates you are collecting to turn into mosaics =)

Anonymous said...

Oh guys get me so giddy with craft ideas...tee hee.

You COULD build a dresser around them or....

I'm done.