If you haven't had a chance to see the Chuck Close exhibit at the Walker, check it out. He's amazing. We saw these sculptures on the way out of the museum, and they remind me of just about everything we saw in Japan. The artist is Japanese, but I can't remember who he is. Aren't they cute?
Today Zander's at a convention in Wisconsin and so far I'm just chilling at home. Well, not really chilling I guess. I did mow the lawn because our place was starting to look like a crack house and I'm worried that the 5-O are going to raid our garage and find all the catnip drying upside-down. "Mam, aren't you a teacher?" "Yes sir, I am, but you see, it's all for my kitty." "Cuff her and stuff her Barney, we've got to get this stuff down to the lab." Other than mowing and indulging in my sick fantasies, I started reading The Kite Runner this morning. So far, so good. I've also been cleaning our dirty-gross house and am thinking about sewing together a little curtain for the bathroom. The one that's in there is from the previous owners and I'm not sure what they were trying to match. But jeesh, it says Pottery Barn on the label, so slap it up already! We've been collecting big sticks for a bonfire in our backyard this fall, I bet Pottery Barn sheers burn up real nice. Right now I'm imagining about three of you frequent readers gasping. Really, I'm not going to burn them. ARC is coming next week, and they'll be in the box out front.
Oh, here are the colors that we painted. I love the pink in the hallway, but the bathroom blue color is going to go. I'd like a brownish color, but it might end up a purplish color instead.
Here's the green bedroom.
Last weekend I found yet another quilt at an estate sale. I bet if I would go every week (as if I don't) at the same time, I'd see the exact same people at all the sales. I'd also have way too much stuff. Sometimes I wish I could just have a little store front to sell all my goodies. Maybe when things on our end of North start to get swank I'll think about it.
Have a good weekend everyone!
Love the colors! I'll be interested in your review of Kite Runner. I read it earlier this summer. Can I have the old curtains? I need it for my ever-growing fabric collection. I have a project coming up...
Hi Julie! Your new pink hall is gorgeous, and your new quilt is, too. I ordered Cloth, Paper, Scissors for you--it starts with the winter issue, which will come in about a month. You might want to check out the fall issue--I think it is a great magazine.
Ooooo I love the colors!!! Our lawn was also starting to look crackesque long. The human powered push mowers are great, but I wish I could figure out a way to sharpen it myself....they dull so easily.
Those sculptures at the walker are super cute...super cute rules.
Hi, I just wanted to tell you that I like your blog. It's fun and positive and everyone who comments seems so nice. I like crafty things too so it's fun to see what you are up to. BTW, where did you go to school. I thought I went to a conservative, religious school. :)
Anna: Can I have the old curtains?
Anna, how are we going to ever get into heaven if you keep taking our Arc donations?
I'm sorry, Zander, I didn't realize you were concerned about that. But from the description of these curtains, it sounds like giving them to Arc might not necessarily earn you a tick-mark on the "Good deeds" list.
Julie - your lack of blog updating is giving me the shakes....
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